Re: /tmp event logger

From: Theo de Raadt (deraadtat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 15 1998 - 10:06:30 PST

  • Next message: bstat_private: "(no subject)"

    > Due to excessive amount of /tmp races reported last months, here's
    > /tmp event logger. This simple and small program logs file activity
    > in given directory, giving clear, reusable, space-saving format
    > (including operation, filename, uid/gid, file type, permissions,
    > current time). It's very useful when you're looking for possible
    > vunerabilities, or trying to trace attacks.
    Many of you have source to the operating systems and tools you run.
    I like to make a strong recommendation for source-level audits as the
    best way to find these problems.  And while you are there you can fix
    them too, and then tell the maintainers of the packages; not just
    For instance, all programs compiled with GNU f77 have 2 mktemp races.
    It's in the source.  I just contacted the maintainer of the package;
    he didn't appear to have any idea what a /tmp race is.  This is going
    to be extremely common.  So those who care about this issue should
    start auditing code, and then telling the authors of these systems
    that such problems are unacceptable.  Try to give them patches.  Push
    hard to get these things fixed.

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