bug in su (Slackware 3.4)

From: Peter van Dijk (peterat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 15 1998 - 09:32:26 PST

  • Next message: Bill Becker: "Re: BSD/OS 3.0 config_anonftp script"

    If sulog file logging is enabled in /etc/login.defs (shadowing installed!)
    and su has never been used, a user can set his umask to 0 and then run su.
    /var/log/sulog will then be created mode 666, which means user can use su
    to try lots of passwords and then, when done, do something like
    cat /dev/null > /var/log/sulog
    and clear out the logfile.
    Same goes for sudo.
    Note: everything will still be logged in syslog (unless disabled!)
    Greetz, Peter.
     'Selfishness and separation have led me to   .      Peter 'Hardbeat' van Dijk
      to believe that the world is not my problem .    network security consultant
      I am the world. And you are the world.'     .               (yeah, right...)
              Live - 10.000 years (peace is now)  .        peterat_private
      6:25pm  up 1 day,  4:22,  5 users,  load average: 0.69, 0.22, 0.07

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