Bug in M$ Solitare

From: ReverendTW (technoweenieat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 22:49:22 PST

  • Next message: Adam Shostack: "Re: Article on writing secure software"

        This bug has been tested under both W95 and Win 3.11.  Apparently,
    M$ thought it only necessary to use an int type variable to keep track
    of scores in their Solitaire game which comes standard with windows.  As
    most people probably already know, the range on an int is -32768 to
    32768, which is usually more than sufficient to keep track of a
    solitaire score . . .  Based upon this assumption, M$ decided that no
    range checking would be needed on the score variable, which allows for a
    rather interesting scenario.  If you lose enough(you lose $52 everytime
    you deal), you can under flow the score variable and end up with a whole
    smeg load of points!  Practically, this information is almost useless,
    unless you want to cheat some people out of money on bets, which I
    absolutely DO NOT recommend, as that would be immoral =?).  This useless
    bug has been brought to you by Techies @ Large.

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