Re: name of built-in administrator

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 10:12:26 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Nelson: "Re: Leveraging search engines against FrontPage enabled websites"

    At 10:21 AM 4/28/98 +0400, Evgenii Borisovich Rudnyi wrote in NTBUGTRAQ:
    >While learning what SID is, I have written two utilities, user2sid and
    >sid2user, which are actually command line interfaces to WIN32 functions,
    >LookupAccountName and LookupAccountSid. So, no hacking, just what is
    >permitted by MS.
    [which allows users to be extracted]
    This is documented (to some extent) in a knowledge base article.  I wrote
    an app which grabs all the users (and accounts for why the ISS NT scanner
    5.0 always gets the admin user, no matter what), and advised Microsoft that
    I thought this was something that should be fixed.
    At this time, there is no fix for this, except to filter connections to
    port 139.  I've tried a couple of things I thought would fix it, but found
    that it caused severe problems. So, at the moment, if you can get a null
    session, you can dump all the users, groups, and machine accounts.  You can
    also cause some other problems, but they are a little arcane, and MS has
    been advised (I only found it this morning, trying to make a fix for this).
     There isn't anything you can do to stop the other problems, except filter
    139, so...
    IMHO, we should be able to control whether or not NT accepts null sessions.
    It is possible they are doing something about this in SP4 - they didn't
    tell me whether, how or when they planned to fix it.
    David LeBlanc

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