Re: name of built-in administrator

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 20:32:26 PDT

  • Next message: Vic Anderson: "Re: name of built-in administrator"

    At 10:34 AM 4/28/98 -0500, Dominique Brezinski wrote:
    >This is a known issue that has been reported to MS already. The two well
    >known commercial vulnerability scanners use this technique to determine the
    >administrator account name. At least one of them also tries to list all the
    >user names through this method.
    Just a note about who gets credit for this one - Dominique and I worked on
    this together at the first part of the year.  We'd both batted some theory
    around, and I wrote the first code to accomplish this - he then took it and
    improved on it significantly.  I certainly have to share the credit with
    him as it was definately a joint effort.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one else (outside MS) knew about this when
    we worked it out.
    David LeBlanc

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