[UPDATE] On WinSock 2.2 Woes

From: Raj Singh (rajat_private)
Date: Fri May 01 1998 - 23:11:28 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Lynx's 2.8 buffer overflow"

    I was also one of the people who reported the WinSock 2.2 problems in late
    March, 1998 to the BugTraq list as well as to Microsoft. I received the
    following update reply from Microsoft about 10-12 days back. I am sorry
    not to have immediately forwarded this to the BugTraq list. The recent
    message on this jogged my memory.
    -- Raj
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Rick Plant <rplantat_private>
    A new version of the update has been posted which addresses this issue. You
    can download it and install overtop the original update. It's available from
    Thank you for your patience.
    Rick Plant
    From:   Raj Singh[SMTP:RAJat_private]
    Sent:   Friday, April 03, 1998 5:30:42 AM
    To:     Microsoft Product Security Issues
    Subject:        Re: WinSock 2.2 Woes
    Auto forwarded by a Rule
    I have received no reply to the enclosed email as yet. Has this problem in
    WinSock 2.2 resolved ?
    -- Raj
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:01:06 +0530 (IST)
    I too reproduced the errors in Netscape3.01, IE and WS_FTP32 when the
    ws2setup.exe patch from Microsoft was applied to a Win95 system (which
    originally had WinSock 1.1).
    The addresses that gave the errors were :
    www.raen.com.br (reported earlier)
    www.ceeri-p.net (non-existent address, crashes the application)
    ftp.ceeri-p.net (non-existent address, crashes the application)
    Note that all the above are 15 characters in total including the dots.
    Once these kind of addresses are given and the application (netscape, ie,A
    ws_ftp) has crashed, any other address (of any number of characters) also
    crashes the application !!
    Some times, the system also crashes and hangs. Hard reboot is the only
    solution to resolving the above problems.
    It is surprising that the patch has been out since January, 1998 and this
    has not been taken care of as yet. The patch solves one problem (works
    against teardrop, land, boink attacks ?) but creates other problems for
    programs that use WinSock.
    -- Raj

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