Re: Bay Networks Security Hole

From: Berislav Todorovic (BERIat_private)
Date: Mon May 11 1998 - 07:37:00 PDT

  • Next message: Peter van Dijk: "Re: easy DoS in most RPC apps"

    >> > vendor: bay networks
    >> > product: bay access node/wellfleet routers
    Our local BayNetworks representative - COMNET (
    forwarded to me the following recommendations:
    * FTP Daemon on the router is not enabled by default - it's good to
      leave that untouched.
    * If the User level has to be made publically available, don't install
      snmp.bat on the flash image, or at least don't make it available to
      the User account. This would disallow command "show snmp" at all.
    * Restrict TELNET access and especially TFTP access to the router to
      certain sites on the network only, by applying appropriate filters!
    Best regards,
    | --+-- |  Berislav Todorovic, B.Sc.E.E.     | E-mail: BERIat_private
    |  /|\     Hostmaster of the YU TLD          |
    |-(-+-)-|  School of Electrical Engineering  | Phone:  (+381-11) 3221-419
    |  \|/     Bulevar Revolucije 73             |                   3370-106
    | --+-- |  11000 Belgrade SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA | Fax:    (+381-11) 3248-681
    `-------' --------------------------------------------------------------------

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