Toshiba notebooks BIOS password backdoor

From: Rop Gonggrijp (ropat_private)
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 09:54:09 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: buffer overflow in msgchk"

    The dutch newspaper 'De Volkskrant' has reported about an individual named
    Stefan Arts that has a password that will unlock all Toshiba notebook
    computers that are locked with the BIOS password function. The password
    itself was not published. Mention was made that Toshiba Netherlands has been
    threatening to sue Arts if he exposed the password, saying that 'publication
    would serve no purpose'. This single password exists for service staff to
    help people that have forgotten their password and is known at Toshiba
    service centers and dealerships all over the world. The dutch police told
    Toshiba that they should ask him to 'name a price' when they were in contact
    with him, so that he could be arrested for blackmail/extortion...
    In the same article Toshiba is quoted as saying "we will not change this
    unless the market demands it". Anyone with high-level contacts inside
    Toshiba could maybe carefully confront them with reality.
    Now all we're waiting for is for someone with a Toshiba to type 'debug' and
    'strings' ...
    Rop Gonggrijp <ropat_private>

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