Re: Linux 2.1.x Firewalling code broked

From: Bob Tracy - TDS (rctat_private)
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 12:01:42 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: Toshiba notebooks BIOS password backdoor"

    Darren Reed wrote:
    > ----- Forwarded message from Bob Tracy - TDS -----
    > Subject: Linux 2.1.X ENskip fixed!
    > Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 09:07:39 -0500 (CDT)
    > It took a few days, but I found the problem.  It turns out that the
    > IP firewall code in Linux 2.1.X has been broken for a long time,
    > probably since early in the 2.1.X networking development cycle.
    > Specifically, not all the paths between the IPv4 layer and the physical
    > layer are covered by the firewall code, and in particular, the path
    > taken by a SYN_ACK packet ( ip_build_and_send_pkt() ) is not covered.
    "Broken" is too strong a word in the above context for the readers of
    BUQTRAQ, which is why I didn't post the quoted message here :-(.  I
    defend the term as accurate, but decry the implied "The sky is falling!".
    I personally consider the problem to be at worst an annoyance.  Worst
    case, only a *small* minority of outbound packets reach the physical
    layer via the ip_build_and_send_pkt() function.  In any event, the fix
    is in, and should be available as part of one of the upcoming 2.1.X
    distributions (maybe as early as 2.1.103: 2.1.102 was released hours
    A gentle reminder to BUGTRAQ readers is in order: computer/network
    security is a risk-management function.  If folks are running development
    code (kernel or otherwise) in a production environment, the risk should
    be obvious.  The non-obvious part is whether the risk is acceptable.
    Bob Tracy               | "Microsoft's biggest and most dangerous
    Trident Data Systems    |  contribution to the software industry may
    AFIWC/TIPER             |  be the degree to which it has lowered user
    rctat_private  |  expectations."       - Esther Schlindler
                                                      OS/2 Magazine

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