Re: easy DoS in most RPC apps

From: Olaf Kirch (okirat_private)
Date: Mon May 18 1998 - 08:45:07 PDT

  • Next message: pedwardat_private: "Re: pingflood.c"

    On Sun, 17 May 1998 15:48:55 EDT, Bill Paul wrote:
    > With these patches, you have 35 seconds to supply a valid record
    > containing an RPC message header and request, otherwise the session
    > is disconnected. If you enter garbage data, the connection is dropped
    > immediately.
    Sun's RPC code has some more problems. If you send it a continuous
    stream of zero bytes, it will loop forever because it interprets them
    as a sequence of zero-length record fragments. It nicely gobbles the
    empty record, notices that this hasn't been the last fragment (EOR bit
    is 0 of course) and goes asking for more, etc ad inf.
    Concerning the 35 second timeout Bill mentions above, this can also be
    stretched out quite a bit if you transmit the RPC packet byte by byte,
    each 30 seconds apart.
    Given the way RPC was designed, I cannot think how to work around this
    problem except by handling all RPC requests in a separate thread.
    Finally, here's some stuff that I haven't checked so far, but which may
    be equally interesting. The RPC code is cluttered with conversions
    from unsigned long to int, and I have found at least one (quite important)
    routine in the RPC server code that does something like this:
            int             len;
            get len from user request
            if (len > MAX_LEN)
                    return FALSE;
            bcopy(buf, destination, (u_int) len);
    where destination is on the stack...
    Olaf Kirch         |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
    okirat_private  |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah
                 For my PGP public key, finger okirat_private

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