Re: pingflood.c

From: Theo de Raadt (deraadtat_private)
Date: Mon May 18 1998 - 11:46:16 PDT

  • Next message: Gustavo Molina: "Fake "Win98Nuke" program"

    > BTW, how many setuid programs are there that will catch various
    > signals and will behave "not-as-expected" when forked off by a
    > signal-bomber parent process, such as pingflood?
    Unlike seemingly everone else in this thread, who are very busy trying
    to patch ping for a problem which it is obvious many other programs in
    the source tree will also encounter, Aggelos has taken the first step
    and used started thinking about the further consequences.
    Yes, this is a much bigger problem.  Yes, other parts of the system
    are also affected by this and similar problems.  For all kinds of
    For more information on how I have fixed this problem, due to a
    conversation with David Holland a couple months back about this basic
    problem, see both and

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