Linux auto idle logout & vlock possible security problem

From: Czako Krisztian (slapicat_private)
Date: Fri May 29 1998 - 02:29:38 PDT

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    There's a possible security problem using auto idle logout programs and vt
    Try the following:
    get the pid of your shell,
    (sleep 10s ; kill -HUP <pid-of-your-shell) &
    vlock -a
    after vlock -a, you can't change the virtual console on a Linux terminal.
    But if you log in, start vlock -a, enter your password you can change
    The same happens when an auto idle logout program logs you off. The vlock
    (maybe lockvt also)  program doesn't terminate itself after a SIGHUP,
    which is ok, but after this, anyone can log in, start vlock -a, enters
    his/her password, and get full access to the console.
    Possible solutions:
    - don't use vlock/lockvt
    - don't use auto idle logout program
    - as root, never leave your terminal. log off.
    if you want to leave, use screen, detach it and log out.
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