AOL for Windows DoS/Exploit

From: Invisi (noat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 01 1998 - 08:45:45 PDT

  • Next message: Niall Smart: "Re: Patch to prevent setuid bash shells"

    Well.. I thought this was something that some of you might get a kick
    out of... as well as informative.  I also havent seen this on any other
    sites.  here's the stuff...
    Tested on: AOL3.0 16-bit Windows, AOL3.0 32-bit Windows, AOL4.0 Windows
    AOL's Instant message's uses HTML.  This enables there customers to
    change font sizes, colors, backgrounds, to suite there tastes.  Well
    here is where the bug comes into play.
    All you simply have to do is send someone who is useing a AOL version,
    that uses the <font> tagg, a instant message of
    <font =
    A AOL instant message has to be below a certain character size that can
    fit in one message.  This goes beyond the valid size, as well as being a
    invalid parameter for <font>.  It will cause your AOL software to freak
    out, and a GPF will occur.  If your able to stick more 9's in there,
    then please do.
    Convert back to a older version of AOL for Windows, like 2.5 or before.
    Or, simply reject any Instant Messages by useing the $IM_OFF command.
    Since Instant Messages are a big part of AOL, most people keep there
    Instant Messages turned on.
    - Invisible

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