Re: AIX : "/" is owned by bin.bin

From: dsiebertat_private
Date: Mon Jun 01 1998 - 15:24:26 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: Patch to prevent setuid bash shells"

    >         I have verified a problem with "/" permission on AIX versions:
    > ,, and I guess on every version of AIX.
    > The problem is that the owner of "/" is user bin instead of user root.
    > Which means that if one manages to get "bin" permissions he might get
    > root permissions by:
    > > mv -r /etc /etc.old
    > > cp -r /etc.old /etc
    > > echo "yarony::0:0:Yaron:/:/bin/tcsh">> /etc/passwd
    > or something like that.
    > And to get bin permissions one should exploit the current version of
    > sendmail or use mis-configured NFS server, or exploit a buffer overflow in
    > /usr/bin/nslookup (the only suid bin in AIX ,and it suid only in AIX 4.1.5)
    > I have informed AIX about it a month ago. They told me that it doesn't
    > look like this is going to be changed. The reason was that all my ideas
    > about how to get bin permissions were by exploiting mis-configured system.
    HP-UX (all versions) has a similar problem.  / is owned by root:root, but
    subdirectories, such as /etc, are owned by bin:bin, as are most system
    binaries.  They don't seem too eager to fix it either.  As shipped, I
    believe there is only one setuid bin item -- kermit, why it is setuid bin,
    I have no clue.  My fix is to remove the setuid from kermit, and do a
    find for anything owned by bin and chown it to root.  Other than needing
    to fix one or two things in /usr/lbin (making permissions on identd and
    maybe fingerd less strict so that it can still run as "bin") everything
    works fine when you do this.  I would at least like someone to have to
    break root (or something running as root) to break into my systems, there
    are enough root holes without adding all the "any user but root" holes to
    be simple stepping stones to root.
    Even Irix, the most insecure commercial Unix out there, got these simple
    ownership issues correct.  Wonder what's wrong at HP and IBM that their
    security guys can't get this change through?  At least, I assume IBM's
    security guys would like to make this fix, I know HP's security guys do
    but for a long time they've been "studying" a long list of permissions
    problems a couple of us here the University of Iowa sent them a couple
    years ago.  My impression was that the security guys would like to get
    these changes made but its the usual variety of reasons when you have
    different managers responsible for different parts of the OS.  And also
    probably a lack of customers telling their sales reps these sorts of
    security issues are important to them, and making sure their reps tell
    their bosses and so on.  We've made sure our rep communicated this, but
    most customers are probably unaware, and those that are can fix these
    problems themselves with little effort and don't bother to complain
    except to each other :)
    Douglas Siebert                Director of Computing Facilities
    douglas-siebertat_private      Division of Mathematical Sciences, U of Iowa
    A fool of sufficient magnitude can be found to overcome any foolproof system.

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