Re: QPOPPER problem.... ONE crude patch...

From: Marco S Hyman (marcat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 27 1998 - 15:31:12 PDT

  • Next message: Miquel van Smoorenburg: "patch: qpopper (plugs another hole too)"

    Daniel Ryde writes:
     > >         vsnprintf(mp,sizeof(message)-(mp - message)-3,format,ap);
     > Dangerous, if the string is truncated it will skip the null termination,
    This came up a while back.  Some versions of [v]snprintf copy
    size - 1 characters into str and then null terminate.  Example: the
    OpenBSD snprinf man page says:
         Snprintf(), vsnprintf(), asnprintf() and vasnprintf() will write at most
         size-1 of the characters printed into the output string (the size'th
         character then gets the terminating `\0'); if the return value is greater
         than or equal to the size argument, the string was too short and some of
         the printed characters were discarded.
    It's possible that the author is using a system with the above semantics.
    People patching the code must know what their [v]snprintf does.
    // marc

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