And another qpopper overflow (does this make 3?)

From: Aaron D. Gifford (agiffordat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 28 1998 - 00:42:25 PDT

  • Next message: Steven Winikoff: "Re: patch for qpopper remote exploit bug"

    Thank you Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquelsat_private> for explaining to me how
    the UIDL handling in pop_dropcopy.c can potentially later result in a buffer
    overflow.  The first time I saw the patch for pop_dropcopy.c, I looked all
    over pop_dropcopy.c and couldn't see any overflow.  Then Miquel explained that
    the overflow actually ocurrs in pop_udil.c but the prevention of the overflow
    is by limiting the uidl length in pop_dropcopy.c.
    After further investigation, I see another potential overflow in pop_uidl.c
    that can occur even when uidl length is limited to 128 chars.  The potential
    overflow can occur in the pop_euidl() function in two different spots where
    this code appears:
      sprintf(buffer, "%d %s", msg_id, mp->uidl_str);
      if (nl = index(buffer, NEWLINE)) *nl = 0;
      sprintf(buffer, "%s %d %s", buffer, mp->length, from_hdr(p, mp));
    Even with mp->uidl_str limited to 128 chars, the from_hdr(p, mp) code can
    return the text from a message's "From:" header which could then overflow the
    Also, is it just me, or is the from_hdr() function in the pop_uidl.c file
    returning a pointer to a non-static buffer?  That's wrong, is it not?  It is
      char buf[MAXLINELEN], *cp;
    Should it not instead be:
      char        * cp;
      static char   buf[MAXLINELEN];
    Aaron out.

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