A small but deadly bug in new QPopper2.5

From: Jesús Cea Avión (jceaat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 30 1998 - 09:21:18 PDT

  • Next message: Steven Winikoff: "Re: patch for qpopper remote exploit bug"

    I've just installed qpopper 2.5, released last night
    (ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/), after reading the
    last bugtraq security postings and patch my good old qpopper 2.2. But it
    has a bug which prevents the use of bulletins.
    The first time an user reads its mailbox with new bulletins, the server
    dies. The second time (inetd launchs it) it blocks since the flock was
    not released.
    Time to sleep again :-).
    Patch included:
    *** pop_bull.c.old      Tue Jun 30 15:48:34 1998
    --- pop_bull.c  Tue Jun 30 15:51:54 1998
    *** 271,278 ****
             dbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, DBM_REPLACE);
    -        p->bull_db = NULL;
             flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_UN);
             /* Update the user's .popbull file. */
             popBull = fopen(popBullName, "w");
    --- 271,278 ----
             dbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, DBM_REPLACE);
             flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_UN);
    +        p->bull_db = NULL;
             /* Update the user's .popbull file. */
             popBull = fopen(popBullName, "w");
    Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
    jceaat_private http://www.argo.es/~jcea/ _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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