ePerl Security Update Available

From: Ralf S. Engelschall (rseat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 01:49:44 PDT

  • Next message: Raymond Medeiros: "Re: Forwared to me"

    ePerl Security Update Available
    A security bug report from Tiago Luz Pinto <tiagoat_private> about ePerl
    2.2.12 occured on BugTraq at 06-Jul-1998 which showed ePerl was incorrectly
    handling ISINDEX queries (passed as command line argument by the webserver)
    when ePerl runs as a (NPH-)CGI script for *.phtml pages.
    In summary the problem is that under ePerl 2.2.12 a request to
    (i.e. a request for bar.phtml with a QUERY_STRING containing an absolute path
    to quux.phtml - both are ePerl pages) leads not to the evaluation of
    bar.phtml. Instead quux.phtml was evaluated because ePerl 2.2.12 incorrectly
    determined the source from the command line instead of PATH_TRANSLATED when
    QUERY_STRING was present.
    This is some sort of a security hole and at least a bug because this way one
    can evaluate ePerl pages through different URLs. But the statement ``This can
    lead to _arbitrary_ Perl code being executed on the server.'' from the
    original security report is not quite correct. Because the quux.phtml is still
    treated as a text file which is just bristled with ePerl blocks. And those
    files usually exists for the same reason: Evaluation as HTML pages on the web
    with embedded Perl code.
    Nevertheless its a nasty bug and I've now again (I've still fixed such
    QUERY_STRING related bugs in the past) compared the different run-time
    environments for ePerl (notice that ePerl is more than just a CGI-program, it
    can be used in a lot of modes and so the determination is really _NOT_
    trivial; look inside eperl_main.c if you don't doubt me) and rewrote the mode
    determination. Now it isn't anymore confused by a command line arguments under
    the CGI environment when QUERY_STRING is present.
    Users of ePerl 2.2.12 I encourage to upgrade to ePerl 2.2.13.
    The distribution eperl-2.2.13.tar.gz is available under
       http://www.engelschall.com/sw/eperl/   and
    Thanks for supporting ePerl and the Perl community.
                                           Ralf S. Engelschall

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