inetd can leak file descriptors +FIX

From: Jeff Forys (jeffat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 14 1998 - 20:00:08 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Johnson: "Re: Regarding Mudge's OBP/FORTH root hack (PHRACK53)"

    Index:  usr.sbin/inetd/inetd.c
    This may apply to all known versions of inetd.
            For a tcp/nowait connection, inetd invokes accept(2) for
            each pending connection; this call returns a file descriptor
            associated with the new connection.
            Twelve years ago, code was added to inetd to detect "failing
            servers".  The heuristic that identifies a failing server is
            one that has been invoked a large number of times over some
            specified interval (e.g., more than 128 ftp services started
            in 60 seconds may flag the ftp service as "failing").  These
            compile-time constants vary depending on vendor.
            The problem is that, when a failing server is detected, the
            code neglects to close the file descriptor returned by the
            Pummel one of inetd's tcp/nowait services so that it exceeds
            the failing server threshold and logs a message like:
                    "svc/proto server failing (looping), service terminated"
            If your inetd has this bug, it will have leaked a file descriptor.
            You'll have to come up with your own OS-independent way of finding
            out how many file descriptors your inetd process is holding open.
            I suppose someone with ample free time could orchestrate an
            attack buy pummeling services until the inetd process finally
            runs out of file descriptors thus rendering inetd useless to
            any new connections that require a new descriptor.
            Here are a couple variations of the same fix.  Hopefully, one
            will work for you.  If not, the following two patches should
            give you a good clue where to look in your source to determine
            whether or not you are affected by this problem.
            If you examine the source, you will see a call to close_sep(sep).
            Note that, in the tcp/nowait case, this does not actually close
            the fd returned by accept(2).  Rather, "sep" holds the control
            socket that is listening for connections on that port; Since the
            service was identified as "failing", the port is shut down (it
            will be reopened after some specified timeout).
    *** inetd1.c_orig       Fri Jun 26 13:03:55 1998
    --- inetd1.c    Fri Jun 26 13:05:24 1998
    *** 362,365 ****
    --- 362,368 ----
                            "%s/%s server failing (looping), service terminated",
                                                sep->se_service, sep->se_proto);
    +                                       if (!sep->se_wait &&
    +                                           sep->se_socktype == SOCK_STREAM)
    +                                               close(ctrl);
    *** inetd2.c_orig       Mon Sep 22 02:23:24 1997
    --- inetd2.c    Fri Jun 26 12:40:36 1998
    *** 462,465 ****
    --- 462,468 ----
                            "%s/%s server failing (looping), service terminated",
                                                sep->se_service, sep->se_proto);
    +                                       if (sep->se_accept &&
    +                                           sep->se_socktype == SOCK_STREAM)
    +                                               close(ctrl);
    Jeff Forys

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