Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd

From: Allanah Myles (dossyat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 20 1998 - 22:16:16 PDT

  • Next message: Russell Fulton: "Bounds checking - historical aside"

    On 1998.07.20, Brett Lymn <blymnat_private> wrote:
    > A sufficiently determined programmer can write crap code despite the
    > language.
    This is the key issue with the inherent security problems.  The
    collolary to this statement is "better tools allow bad programs to
    implement bad designs faster."  Using "better tools" as others seem
    to suggest will *not* gain us any more "security" than we already
    have, if we don't also change the quality of programmers.  Yes,
    some people believe Eric Allman is a "good" programmer.  And, as
    someone replying to this list has said, "10,000 lemmings can't
    be wrong."  The problem is not in the implementor, nor the
    implementation, but elsewhere.
    The real problem in system security really comes from the flawed
    design from which software is implemented from (or worse, no
    real design at all).  I recall someone on this list as saying,
    "user programs are meant to be user-friendly, secure programs
    are meant to be secure."  This is a very clever way of indicating
    the necessary focus of the two classes of software.  To clearly
    restate, "privilaged programs should be simple in design and
    implementation; they should do one thing, and do it well."
    In this particular case of imapd, the blame doesn't lie upon
    the programmers nor the tools they used, but more the design
    itself.  Why in god's name should a mail system require
    system-wide root privilages?  As a normal user, I should be
    able to manipulate my own mailbox.  Why shouldn't the agent
    through which I manipulate my own mailbox run, from start
    to finish, with no more privilages than my own user?  And,
    for the section that *must* have extra-privilaged execution,
    keep it so simple that one could easily hand-trace it's
    execution and guarantee some comfortable level of safety.
    If one can't envision a design that follows this practice,
    that is where the blame should lie. "Tools don't produce bad
    software. Bad designers produce bad designs from which bad
    software is implemented."
    In developing new "secure systems," we should spend less time
    *securing* already existing insecure systems, in the hopes
    of deluding ourselves that they have somehow become "secure"
    (when we know we can never prove such a thing).  We should
    instead focus our energies on designing software systems
    where the threat-level is as minimal as possible.  This
    still won't prevent lost work and other problems, but if
    this is a significant issue, why does a tool like "rm"
    exist?  Yes, in the wrong hands, "rm" can be very devastating.
    But, without necessary privilages, the scope of the damage
    is much smaller.  So, design tools that do not require
    unnecessary privilages, and focus on preventing unauthorized
    gain of those privilages.  Don't work the other way around,
    letting software run with privilages and simply trying to
    make them behave perfectly.  That's a much harder task.
    The traditional argument is that "with the way things
    currently are, it may be nearly impossible to redesign
    services to not require privilages."  Well, then, if
    you want a secure system, be prepared to build one---from
    scratch, if need be.  Perhaps even the existing notion of
    UNIX-based privilages is insufficient for any real
    security - design a better model, and implement it.
    Don't complain about the tools people choose to use,
    as changing those won't improve security, they'll just
    give us new types of security problems to find.
    URL: -< BORK BORK! >- E-MAIL: dossyat_private
        Now I'm who I want to be, where I want to be, doing what I've always said I
        would and yet I feel I haven't won at all...      (Aug 9, 95: Goodbye, JG.)
    "You should change your .sig; not that the world revolves around me." -s. sadie

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