Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd

From: Craig Spannring (ctsat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 21 1998 - 15:00:19 PDT

  • Next message: IBS / Andre Oppermann: "Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd"

    Kragen writes:
     > I've heard that bounds-checking typically increases the time to do
     > things by 30-50%.  The bounds-checking egcs people are optimistic that
     > this can be reduced.  Even so, it's much smaller than the variance
     > introduced by different degrees of optimization and efficient
     > design.
    Since C was never designed to do bounds checking it will be hard to
    retrofit it efficiently.
    Other languages such as Ada have a much easier time.  For instance if
    you compile the following program with gnat the compiler figures out
    that no array bounds checking is needed and you take a 0% performance
      with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
      with Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;
      procedure Foo is
        type My_Index is range -10..10;
        type My_Array is array(My_index) of Integer;
        A: My_Array;
        function Sum(Arr: in My_Array) return Integer is
           Result: Integer := 0;
           for I in My_Index loop
              Result := Result + Arr(I);
           end loop;
           return Result;
        end Sum;
        T: Integer;
           for I in My_Index loop
              Put("Input a number ");
           end loop;
           Put("The sum is "); Put(Sum(A)); New_Line;
        end Foo;
    In fact the gnat people say that the assembly output is almost
    identical to what gcc would produce with an equivalent C program.
    I haven't written a lot of Ada code and none professionally, but I did
    play around writing the bootstrap code for a PC once.  The boot strap
    code needs to fit into the first 7K of a floppy and that's not a lot
    of space.  If the code had raised any exceptions the required runtime
    exception functions would not have fit in the space allowed.
    It was the code size I had to worry about, not the speed, but in this
    case being able to show that I wasn't taking a code size hit also
    showed that I wasn't taking a performance hit either.
     Life is short.                  | Craig Spannring
          Ski hard, Bike fast.       | ctsat_private
     Any sufficiently perverted technology is indistinguishable from Perl.

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