Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd (fwd)

From: Richard Shetron (multicsat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 21 1998 - 13:43:03 PDT

  • Next message: Jim Greene: "Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd"

    Forwarded message:
    > On Jul 16, 11:04pm, Perry E. Metzger (possibly) wrote:
    > This is for 2.7.2. Be forewarned that it results in _very_ slow
    > programs - an example was cited on the FreeBSD-security mailing list
    > as follows (Don.Lewisat_private):
    Languages that start without bounds checking, particulalry C/C++ where
    people often use pointers to access elements in an array, may have lots
    of overhead from the bounds checking code trying to figure out what it
    needs to do.
    ie  *(array + 5) may result in much more code for bounds checking in
    C then array[5] in a language that supports array bounds checking.
    The ability of the compiler to optimize array[5] can make a difference.
    I've worked with languages, such as Fortran and PL/1, that do bounds
    checking and have tried performance checking by running data with bounds
    checking turned on and off.  The differences in these languages in the
    programs I used was often less then 10%.
    Richard Shetron  multicsat_private multicsat_private
                     What is the Meaning of Life?
    There is no meaning,
    It's just a consequence of complex carbon based chemistry; don't worry about it
    The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

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