Re: Fwd: Any user can panic OpenBSD machine

From: Chris Wedgwood (chrisat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 27 1998 - 20:08:50 PDT

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: Fwd: Any user can panic OpenBSD machine"

    On Tue, Jul 28, 1998 at 09:34:18AM +1200, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
    > Just for the hell of it, I tested this under linux 2.1.x - no problems.
    > Not, according to the source in front of me, the size is actually 2^32-1 (or
    > 2^64-1 on 64-bit platforms), not negative because the length parameter is of
    > type size_t which is an unsigned integer.
    > It does not return EINVAL (as, I believe, somebody else reported).
    I lied, partly anyhow. (Thanks to Scott Stone <sstoneat_private>
    for pointing out 2.0.x fails with EFAULT).
    Linux 2.0.x fails with EFAULT, which, arguably, is the correct thing
    to do because the memory region specified using 2^32-1 can't possible
    all exist.
    Linux 2.1.x (where x is my hacked up 10x kernel) sometimes succeeds,
    which is completely bogus and should be considered a bug of a
    different sort.
      Here, when the fd is 0 (or open("/dev/tty<blah>",O_RDONLY)), is
      will accept data from stdin/the-device and return it correctly.
      When the fd belongs to a file, it returns EFAULT as it should
      (which rules out the possibility of opening /dev/zero and doing bad
    I'm not sure why this is happening... I'll look into it later if
    nobody else does.

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