A way to prevent buffer overflow exploits? (was: "Any user can

From: John D. Hardin (jhardinat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 29 1998 - 09:13:26 PDT

  • Next message: Georgi Guninski: "Object tag crashes Internet Explorer 4.0"

    On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Cy Schubert wrote:
    > What makes MVS (and VM) so impervious to attack is that the S/390
    > hardware doesn't rely on a stack, making effective buffer overruns
    > considerably more difficult.  (A little off topic :)
    (to continue the topic drift, and throw some ideas into the pot...)
    I wonder how feasible it would be to modify GCC to generate code with two
    stacks (or something equivalent): one for local variables, the other for
    parameters and return addresses. Might moving the local variables away
    from the return addresses this way be a relatively cheap way to prevent
    buffer overflow exploits without having to recode all of the applications
    or using expensive bounds-checking?
    Or how about allocating space for all local variables from the system heap
    automatically and transparently rather than placing them on the stack?
    Or how about automatically allocating space just for local strings? This
    would take care of buffer overflows with minimal impact, wouldn't it?
    Granted, fixing the applications is the better long-term solution, but
    these might be ways to buy time to do the auditing and correction.
     John Hardin KA7OHZ                               jhardinat_private
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