Re: Object tag crashes Internet Explorer 4.0

From: David Damerell (djsd100at_private)
Date: Thu Aug 06 1998 - 02:53:22 PDT

  • Next message: Klaus: "Re: irix-6.2 "at -f" vulnerability"

    On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Paul Leach (a Microsoftie) wrote:
    >The possibility of infinite loops and infinite recursion in HTML has been
    >discussed on the lists before. Trying to detect and prevent them is an
    >instance of the "Turing machine halting" problem, and it is well known among
    >computer scientists to be impossible.
    This isn't even remotely true; and isn't made more valid by randomly
    mentioning the Turing problem (something tells me our Mr. Leach is not
    a computer scientist himself.) A fairly brute-force approach to their
    detection would be simply to keep a count of how many times each
    object had been displayed, and start throwing them away when it
    exceeded some limit - quite high for, say, images, to allow for the
    kind of pages with a red button on each bullet point (what I think of
    this kind of HTML is another matter); quite low for pages of text or
    framesets - also, establishing an separate upper limit on the overall
    'depth' of a given page protects you against the hostile CGI script
    that serves up the same thing with a million different names. There's
    probably more sophisticated approaches based on graph theory, but I'm
    not a mathematician any more.
    David Damerell, Computer Officer, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge
    Work: djsd100at_private    Personal: damerellat_private

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