Re: Object tag crashes Internet Explorer 4.0

From: Florian Weimer (fwat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 08 1998 - 02:18:45 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Stott: "Re: Sendmail up to 8.9.1 - mail.local instroduces new class of"

    Paul Leach <paulleat_private> writes:
    > However, web pages can contain more complex constructs than that, constructs
    > that can make them into (in the general case) full fledged, Turing complete,
    > programs.
    BTW: Regarding security concerns, it is completely irrelevant whether
    the `algorithm' implemented by a `dynamic' HTML page is (provably)
    terminating or not.  For DoS attacks, you have to grab only a finite
    amount of resources to make the system unusable, which, of course, is
    possible in a finite amount of program steps.
    IMHO, it's much better to impose strict limits on the amount of system
    resources a Web browser may use rather than to implement sophisticated
    algorithms which try to prove that those limits are not exceeded.  The
    latter might even require more resources than simply displaying the

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