
From: *Hobbit* (hobbitat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 13 1998 - 09:23:06 PDT

  • Next message: Darren J Moffat - SunService ETZ-N OS Product Support Group: "Re: solaris 2.x rdist exploit / too many humbles :p"

    lcamtuf brings up:
       mail.local - introduces new class of local bugs, from DoS attacks to
    Easy to fix, in the scenarios you propose.  Protect mail.local and/or the
    directory it's in so that only gid-mail processes can run it.  For extra
    bonus points, stick it behind one of those setuid-wrapper hacks.
    That doesn't address the /tmp problem, but changing PATH_LOCTMP should get
    its temporaries going somewhere unavailable to normal users.  At least it's
    making efforts to call mkstemp.
    One thing I can't understand is why people keep doing things like
            if (strlen(buf) > 128)
                buf[128] = '\0';
    If you're gonna hard-terminate a string at a safe length, just *do* it.  The
    length check is irrelevant here, and just wastes time.  If the buffer is
    filled to an unsafe length in the first place, you've probably already lost.

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