Re: ps(1) for freebsd.

From: Scott Smith (scottsat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 13 1998 - 18:35:50 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wedgwood: "Re: Linux 2.1.115 oops (demo and fix)"

    >         Paranoia is not synonymous with security, nor is it synonymous
    >         with "privacy."
    >         Hacking ps to fix a security problem in ppp is not the solution:
    >         fixing ppp is. ps(1)'s -a and -e flags were implemented for a
    >         reason; to remove them is de-evolutionary.
            Agreed, but one could associate the ability as an unprivledged user to
    read *other* users' environment variables with the finger(1) bug that allowed
    users to read arbitraty files (or the sendmail uuencode bug, or ...).  The only
    difference is that the target is not a file, it is an environment variable.
            There is a reason I make my shell's rc files mode 0700 and have a umask
    of 077, and paranoia/security laziness are *not* why.  :)
    UNIX Sysadmin, CyberSource (ext. 6093)
    "My manager, after having poked his head into my area for the 10th time today,
    said, `I just can never understand how sysadmins can work effectively with
    people breathing down their necks.'" - a friend

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