FlowPoint 2000 DSL Routers..

From: chris (chrisat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 13 1998 - 21:25:30 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Gervai: "Re: APC UPS PowerChute PLUS exploit..."

    This is not an exploit but more of an overlooked network hazard,
    If you recently had a DSL Line installed, or just got yourself a FlowPoint
    2000 DSL Router, then chances are, It hasn't been properly setup, I've
    noticed that, out of 24 DSL Routers I accessed only 3 had their admin
    passwords set. If you're reading this post then you should now be logging
    on to your router and resetting your password since the default is 'admin',
    If you don't you run the risk of your connection being dropped or some
    other malicious things, If you don't know how to change your password
    simply, login,
    type 'system admin <your password>' and that should take care of that..
    - aguila

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