bug in iChat 3.0 (maybe others)

From: Jon Beaton (jonat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 09 1998 - 16:19:28 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Gansle: "Re: NT4-SP3 Sequence Prediction"

    The iChat (http://www.ichat.com/) ROOMS server runs as 'nobody', and on
    port 4080 as default. From what I've noticed, it just uses http, and has
    a bug which lets following /../../../ be ran on the URL using any web
    browser.  For example, something like:
    will display the passwd file. With this you can view any file on the
    system that 'nobody' has access to. I was only able to test this on
    version 3.0 of the software, and running on Solaris. I contacted the
    company about this, all they said was that if you're using 3.0, you
    should upgrade to 3.03 as soon as possible.  I don't even know if this
    particular bug is fixed in that version. If you can try this on other
    versions and OS's, I'd like to hear about the results.
    Jon Beaton
    jbx @ Undernet

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