tmp exploit with redhat printfilter?

From: base16at_private
Date: Sun Sep 13 1998 - 19:17:42 PDT

  • Next message: Pavel Kankovsky: "Re: tmp exploit with redhat printfilter?"

    Excuse me if this has already been posted, or its just a stupid thing that
    poses no threat whatsoever to system security.
    It seems the RedHat print filter contains the following lines:
              if [ ${i##*:} = "DONE" ]; then
                 if [ "$DEBUG_FILTER" != "" ]; then
                   echo "$root -> depth = $depth" >> /tmp/filter.debug
    Well, this is most certianly not good because of obvious symlink reasons.
    This could be a major hole if the filter is called by lpr, which happens
    to be suid.
    egor:~$ ls -l $(which lpr)
    -r-sr-sr-x   1 root     lp          15164 May  5 18:24 /usr/bin/lpr*
    I'm just a clueless newbie who thinks he found a hole of sorts, so if this
    is nothing big, or it does not run suid or whatnot, please dont flame me
    too much.

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