Re: Dump a mode --x--x--x binary on Linux 2.0.x

From: Casper Dik (casperat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 15 1998 - 11:20:15 PDT

  • Next message: David Luyer: "Re: Dump a mode --x--x--x binary on Linux 2.0.x"

    >> process-dump-... files in the current directory.  The executable itself
    >> can be recovered by catting the first few files together and truncating
    >> at the executable size.  I have tested this by reconstructing a copy of
    >> /bin/cat which I had protected mode 111 under Linux 2.0.x.
    >You can only do this for non setuid applications. I would question it
    >is even a bug. Execute only is an extremely vague concept anyway on
    >x86 since the chip doesnt really support it physically.
    Solaris has the same "problem" and I too am not sure whether it's
    a bug or not.  Also, filesystems like NFS make no distinction between
    read-for-execute or read-for-reading.
    Solaris /proc disallows access to execute only binaries, but its
    LD_PRELOAD and also LD_LIBRARY_PATH have the exact same problem.
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH is somewhat trickier to abuse as it requires you to
    build an entire library and not just an object with a few replacement
    function, although you might get very far by just using a .init section
    and little substance.
    >The convenience and usefulness of LD_PRELOAD seems to far outweigh this
    >consideration for normal use. Its probably one for the 'secure linux'
    >patch collection therefore.
    Indeed, and I would think that disabling LD_LIBRARY_PATH too would have
    serious usability impact.

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