NT floppy driver makes risky assumptions

From: JAPH David Nicol (davidat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 16 1998 - 13:43:20 PDT

  • Next message: Kragen: "Re: ANNOUNCE: secure identd v0.3"

    Got an NT 4.0 machine and if you stick a "red hat rescue.img" floppy
    in the floppy slot you get an instant blue screen.
    This does not appear to have been mentioned in bugtraq archives and
    could become a most devastating exploit opportunity, by messing up the
    file system just enough ...  That's why all this "anti-virus" software
    is around, right?  Because of the unpatched buffer overflows and so
    forth in the microsoft file system reading code? Never mind, I guess
    "reading a suspicious floppy disk is inherently unsafe" is common
     David Nicol 816.235.1187 UMKC Network Operations davidat_private
                    "I go to bakeries all day long." -- JR

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