Re: tar "features"

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 25 1998 - 11:00:25 PDT

  • Next message: Brooke Paul: "Re: Firewall-1 3.0b Session Agent"

    > lrwxrwxrwx willy/users       0 Sep 21 11:34 1998 include -> /etc
    > -rw-r--r-- willy/users     758 Sep 21 11:40 1998 include/profile
    Yeah, this is nasty, because either of those by itself could be
    legitimate and useful; it's only in conjunction that they're dangerous.
    But this sort of thing is why, quite some time ago, I added a key (I
    picked "j") to my tar to watch for exactly this kind of thing: add j to
    an x operation and tar will refuse to extract such things.  The comment
    header on the relevant function reads
     * About to extract a file.  Check that the pathname is free from
     *  certain evil things that do not normally appear in tar archives,
     *  but could, and would be unpleasant.  We walk the path, following
     *  any symlinks that exist in the filesystem (thereby catching
     *  archives that, eg, contain a symlink ./foo->/etc and then a file
     *  ./foo/passwd).  If we follow a symlink to an absolute path, or if
     *  we ever try to ../ up out of our current directory, we print a
     *  complaint and skip the extraction of this archive member.  Also, we
     *  refuse attempts to hard-link to anything other than a plain file.
     * This code is full of potential races, but we aren't trying to
     *  protect against races between tars extracting and other processes
     *  meddling, only against extracting archives that contain evil
     *  things.  The idea is that rather than doing a tar tvf of the
     *  archive and eyeball-scanning for evil things, extract with j and
     *  let tar do the checking.
    Of course, on systems with symlink modes this will break for an archive
    that looks like
    --x--x--x ./foo -> /etc
    rwxrwxrwx ./foo/profile
    because it won't be able to readlink() the extracted symlink.  This
    case has not been well tested in my code, largely because at the time I
    wrote it I didn't have a system with symlink modes to test it on.
                                            der Mouse
                         7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

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