Computer Security Day (DISC 98) in Mexico

From: Area de Seguridad en Computo (ascat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 12 1998 - 11:17:17 PDT

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                        Computer Security Area (ASC) / DGSCA
                                      DISC    98
                               "Individual Responsibility"
                          Mexico, D.F.     November 2-6, 1998
                                 FINAL PROGRAM
    The computing general congress ( celebrates forty years of computing in Mexico and we are inviting to all the community interested in the field of computer security to attend.
    "Individual Responsibility" is the slogan of this year and it suggests
    that the security of an organization should be totally supported
    by directive, security personnel, managers, and system users.
    Here it is the URL where you can find the final program, workshops, tutorials and conferences.
    Juan Carlos Guel L'opez
    Area de Seguridad en C'omputo   E-mail: ascat_private
    DGSCA, UNAM                     Tel. (5) 622-81-69  Fax (5) 622-80-43
    Circuito Exterior, C. U.        WWW:
    04510 Mexico D. F.              PGP: finger ascat_private

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