Re: Which crypto algorithm? was: Communicator 4.5 stores

From: Thievco (thievcoat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 16:07:45 PST

  • Next message: Holger van Lengerich: "NS-C4.5 & Mail-Passwords"

    >Does anybody know the algorithm used to encrypt the passwords in
    Apparantly, it takes the plaintext, xors it with a fixed string,
    and base64 encodes the result:
    use MIME::Base64;
    print ((decode_base64('NLyIPunfKw==')) ^ ("\x56" . "\xc9" . "\xef" .
    "\x4a" . "\x9b" . "\xbe" . "\x5a"));
    You need the MIME perl module.
    This one is good up to 7 characters, because that's how long a couple of
    POP passwords I have are :)
    Should be pretty straightforward to extend beyond 7 characters.. just take
    the encoded string from the prefs file, base64 decode it, and xor it with
    your password in plaintext.  What you'll get is the fixed string to xor
    with.. just extend the bytes I have above.  The sequence of bytes is
    non-obvious as to the meaning (at least to me.)  It doesn't spell anything
    in ASCII.  Let me know if it doesn't work on your passwords.. I'm curious.
    I only had a couple to try.

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