(no subject)

From: Jochen Thomas Bauer (jtbat_private-STUTTGART.DE)
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 07:01:11 PST

  • Next message: Gus: "Re: Several new CGI vulnerabilities"

    On Tue Nov 10 10:19:31 1998, Aaron Campbell wrote
    >You've made a pretty bold assumption here on what order the compiler will
    >decide the local variables should live on the stack. In particular, any
    >optimization options passed to gcc will often rearrange the positions of
    >the automatic variables.
    Thanks for pointing this out to me. I have made a little "experiment" on that
    issue: I took the xlock.c file and compiled it with gcc- using the -S
    option (gcc -S xlock.c) on my Linux PC. Although there are (of course) some
    "..... undeclared" errors at lines 3269 and 3275 (that is NOT in the
    function read_plan ) an output file xlock.s containing the assembler code is
    produced. One can now see that if no optimizing options are used "char *home"
    is located right above "char buf[121]" on the stack, but when you use the
    -O or -O2 options with gcc then "FILE *planf" will be right above
    "char buf[121]" on the stack. Therefore, in the latter case the most
    significant byte (on a little endian machine) of "FILE *planf" will be
    overwritten by NULL.
    As Thomas Schweikle <tschweikat_private> has pointed out in his reply, there
    may be some more "scenarios", depending on the architecture/compiler/options
    combination used to compile xlock, so the question is if there is any
    combination of architecture/compiler/options that will produce code
    that contains a security hole.
    Jochen Bauer
    Institute for Theoretical Physics
    University of Stuttgart, Germany

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