WARNING: Another ICQ IP address vulnerability

From: Mnemonix (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:16:40 PST

  • Next message: xnec: "Re: world-readable shadow backups in SuSe 5.2"

    There is a problem in Mirabilis' ICQ (ICQ 98beta) on Windows NT 4.0 where internal IP address information is given out in the TCP payload thus giving
    other ICQ users possibly sensitive information.
    Here is an example:
    HOST A is running Windows NT 4.0. It has an Ethernet NIC with IP address and also has a modem.
    The user at HOST A dials his ISP and  a dynamic IP address is assigned to the modem :
    The user at HOST A strikes up an ICQ conversation with the user at HOST B running Windows 98. HOST B
    has a NIC with an IP address of and a modem that has the IP address
    A TCP virtual circuit has been set up between and over which the
    converstation takes place.
    An ICQ created packet will put the IP address of the sending machine at the end of the TCP data - twice.
    In Windows 98 this is that of the IP address of the modem (198198198198198198198198)
    In Windows NT however, the TCP data will contain the IP address assigned to the modem followed by the IP address
    of the Network Interface Card.
    What's more, if the NT box has a direct connection to the Internet via a firewall performing Network Address Translation,
    instead of via a dialup, this problem still occurs and it is possible using a network sniffer to get the IP address and therefore a good indication of the network addressing scheme used on the internal side.
    David Litchfield

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