Re: ISS Security Advisory: Hidden community string in SNMP

From: Matt M. Morris (mmorrisat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 16 1998 - 12:25:28 PST

  • Next message: sugarat: "Re: ISS Security Advisory: Hidden community string in SNMP"

    I am seeing the same results on a 2.6 and a 2.5.1 system with B.5.01 NNM
    >I have tried these on a Solaris 2.6 system whose snmpd binary has been
    >replaced with the binary from HP Openview Network Node Manager B.05.01.
    >The Solaris install was patched to current in August, and the HP-NNM has
    >consolidated patch PSOV_02091  installed, and patches PSOV_02131 &
    >I don't recal from the release notes what these patches patched specifically,
    >but as they were installed on Sep 28, 1998, I assume them to be previous to
    >this thread.
    >Using snmpd as the community string did return the results of snmpwalk from
    >the localhost, using HP's snmpwalk binary.  Using the snmpd community from a
    >remote host did not return any output.  When using snmpget from a remote
    >errors were returned stating that the mib variables being gotten did not
    >variables like system.sysObjectId.0 and system.sysUptime.0.
    >Using the snmpd.conf configured communities retrieved all the data without a
    >problem.  This was tested on the only two Solaris machines that I have access
    >to, both with HP's snmpd binary, both have the same level of vulnerability.
    >(ie, using the snmpd comm, data was only retrievable from the localhost)
    >More informations as it becomes available.
    Matt M. Morris
    Onion Peel Solutions                    Ph: (919) 821-8004  x242
    3101 Industial Drive, Suite 200         Fx: (919) 821-3364
    Raleigh, NC 27609             

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