iParty can be shut down remotely

From: HD Moore (hdmooreat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 19:46:52 PST

  • Next message: antirez: "hping, a tcp pinger"

    Hash: SHA1
    iParty is an audio/text chat program for Windows.  The iParty server
    listens on a specified port (6004 is default) for client requests.  If
    someone connects to the chat server and sends a large amount of 'ÿ'
    characters (ASCII 255 or Hex FF), the server will simply close itself
    and disconnect all the current users.  Nothing shows up in the log
    file, and the attacker does not need to know the 'chat room' name.
    iParty seems to use a modified version of the X-Win protocol, as it
    uses the same format as X for session request responses.  The easiest
    way to exploit this hole is:
    cat /dev/kmem | telnet targetserver.com 6004
    More information on iParty can be found at www.bumpkinland.com.
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