Titan 3.0 Released

From: Aleph One (aleph1at_private)
Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 10:33:03 PST

  • Next message: Alan Cox: "Linux 2.0.36: The stuff that was 'fixed quietly' [Summary]"

       Titan is a Unix/Solaris host level security toolkit. Modular and Policy
    based so it can be used in configuring Firewalls, Servers, or Desktops.
    90% bourne shell; 10% C, full source available.
       Titan is a collection of programs, each of which either fixes or
    tightens one or more potential security problems with a particular aspect
    in the setup or configuration of a Unix system. Conceived and created by
    Brad Powell, it was written in Bourne shell, and its simple modular design
    makes it trivial for anyone who can write a shell script or program to add
    to it, as well completely understand the internal workings of the system.
       Titan does not replace other security tools, but when used in
    combination with them it can help make the transformation of a new, out of
    the box system into a firewall or security conscious system into a
    significantly easier task. In a nutshell, it attempts to help improve the
    security of the system it runs on.
    < http://www.trouble.org/lisa-paper.html >
    < http://www.trouble.org/titan/ >

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