FTP.SODRE.NET Hacked... Eggdrop Modified..

From: Geoffrey Huntley (int_21at_private)
Date: Sat Dec 19 1998 - 08:00:11 PST

  • Next message: antirez: "new tcp scan method"

    I was compiling an eggdrop today when i noticed something...
    The eggdrop source code seemed to be modified... and said stuff that shouldn't be in the code... and hack an url saying ftp.sodre.net was broken into... so i went and checked it out..
    So What do you know anyone else heard anymore on this subject?
    ftp.sodre.net hacked
    On December 13 1998 Jeremy hacked sodre.net today and replaced the eggdrop1.1.5 on ftp.sodre.net with a comical one written by ryan . ryan who wrote the eggdrop says all he did was add some printf statements to main.c and a few email commands to the configure file. ryan was in no way involved in the hack. If you view the source code you will see this:
    printf("Launched into the background (pid: %d)\n\n", xx);
    printf("Oh, and hi sexy losers\n");
    printf("We like, hacked sodre and like, backdoored your eggdrop :>\n");
    printf("Fuck you to pimpdog, and never buy shells at citronic.net\n");
    printf("Werd to Jeremy@EFNet and visit http://www.phorce.net\n\n");
                            |                (_)               |
    Geoffrey Huntley        |                                  |
    Self Proposed           |   Sometimes the simplest things  |
    Unix Freak & XT Lover   |    in life are often the best    |
                            |                  - Diethyl       |
    diethylat_private   |___________oooO_____Oooo__________|
    talk diethylat_private    (  )/    ( ,)
    http://diethyl.suspicion.org         \_)     (_/
    ____________________________________________[iCQ# 22069278]

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