3Com HiPer ARC vulnerable to nestea attack

From: Olaf Selke (Olaf.Selkeat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 25 1998 - 07:01:36 PST

  • Next message: vh: "another X-Mas present :)"

    We found 3Com's HiPer ARCs running system version 4.1.11
    being vulnerable to the nestea DoS attack. The cards simply
    crash and reboot.
    The multi DoS tool targa v1.1
    started with the nestea option can be used for demonstration.
    *sigh* As already mentioned on Bugtraq in the past, 3Com/USR's IP
    stacks are not very resistant against this specific kind of DoS attack:
    NetServer card: http://geek-girl.com/bugtraq/1998_4/0198.html
    PalmPilot:      http://geek-girl.com/bugtraq/1998_2/0138.html
    >From my experiences 3Com has fixed this bug in the recent Total Control
    NetServer card code base. Apparently it was re-introduced by the HiPer ARC.
    Olaf Selke, olaf.selkeat_private, voice +49 5241 80-7069

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