mysql: mysqld creates world readable logs..

From: Michael Widenius (montyat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 27 1998 - 10:10:33 PST

  • Next message: Robert Watson: "Re: Why you should avoid world-writable directories"

    >>>>> "Mike" == Mike Uttech <mike-uttechat_private> writes:
    Mike> On three systems that we have looked at, mysqld creates a world readable
    Mike> log file that contains the passwords for the users if they were INSERT'd
    Mike> into the user database.  If you chmod the log files to 600, it will keep
    Mike> them at 600 even if you restart mysqld.  If you remove the logfile, then
    Mike> restart mysqld it will recreate the logfile with 644.
    Mike> [zipoff data]# cat *.log | grep PASSWORD
    Mike> 981225 22:50:58    371 Query     INSERT INTO user (host,user,password)
    Mike> VALUES('localhost','zipoff',PASSWORD('th1si5acrypt1cpa55w0rd'))
    This is a known misfeature in MySQL 3.21;  This if fixed in MySQL 3.22

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