Re: Comparison of THC-SCAN v2.0 with Sandstorm PhoneSweep 1.02

From: nimrood (nimroodat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 29 1998 - 13:55:54 PST

  • Next message: der Mouse: "Re: Comparison of THC-SCAN v2.0 with Sandstorm PhoneSweep 1.02"
    Hammer Technologies, which was a group of people that left my parent
    company (at the time Boston Technology, Inc.) to start Hammer, has a
    product that puts both THC-SCAN and PhoneSweep to shame. When that group
    of people left Boston Technology, their product's main focus was to
    'hammer' trunks attached to the BTI voicemail systems. Making sure those
    trunks were successfully answered with the proper voice prompts. Since
    then, they've developed their system to do much, much more... including a
    programming language derived off Visual Basic with many telephony
    functions. It's a custom built machine running Windows NT 4.0. A
    configuration pricing can range from a simple box at a couple thousand
    dollars to something like we use here at our office, which cost over
    $120,000US (our box has several T1 interface cards for massive scanning
    and speech recognition) Just from what I read in the comparison post,
    IMHO, Hammer is far superior to either product. Anyway, that's my two

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